Grief Recovery
Grief is the normal and natural reaction to loss, of any kind. We grieve any time there is an end, or change in, any familiar pattern of behavior in our lives. To experience grief is part of what makes us human beings. The Grief Recovery Method will help you explore your beliefs around grief and through a series of steps and exercises guide you through a process to complete or find closure around your loss.
The Grief Recovery Method

Grief is the normal and natural reaction to loss, of any kind. Yet most of us were never taught how to grieve in a helpful way. The Grief Recovery Method is an action-based program with homework and helpful exercises that give you an opportunity to explore your beliefs around grief and loss. The intention is to help you find closure and become complete with loss. The GRM is an educational model, not therapy, although you will be given a chance to talk openly and honestly about your grief with Suzanne who is trained and experienced in the model. At every step, you will be respected, listened to, and heard without judgment allowing you to give voice to the array of emotions that accompany the full extent of the loss.

Loss is Universal, Grief is Personal
To experience grief is part of what makes us human.
Do You Feel Stuck?
​Grief is normal and natural but yet we live in world that doesn’t seem to know how to talk about it. We can spend many years or even a lifetime holding onto the pain of loss. The Grief Recovery Method is an opportunity for you to move forward in your life, to move beyond loss and grief. If you feel stuck or overwhelmed and can’t seem to move forward contact Suzanne for a free consultation and begin your journey to healing.
What Is Suzanne's 7 Week Program?
​During the 7-week program, you will meet with Suzanne once a week for a private session via zoom or in-person. You will identify the current beliefs you hold about grief and how you have been taught to manage grief. You will examine all of your losses to discover the areas where you are stuck or might have unresolved pain. The program is an opportunity for closure around all types of loss, not just death. You will be introduced to a new set of tools that can be used across a wide gamut of losses – from persons to pets, to hopes and dreams and expectations, to those intangible things like trust, safety, or faith. When you sign up for the course you will receive a free copy of “The Grief Recovery Handbook, the Action Program for Moving Beyond Death, Divorce and Other Losses.”
Suzanne Accardo, M. Ed.
Suzanne holds a Master's Degree in Education with a concentration in Counseling from Boston University and is a certified Life Coach through the International Coaching Academy (ICA). With over 15 years of experience as a coach she draws on her knowledge as a Family Life Educator, Grief Recovery Specialist, Meditation and Yoga Instructor. Suzanne is passionate about her work and has a special interest in supporting those who find themselves struggling to find joy in life, feel stuck or uncertain of what direction to take.
Suzanne discovered the Grief Recovery Method in December of 2019 after reading the “little purple book” with the same title: “The Grief Recovery Method.” After reading the book she knew she needed to know more about the program. This grief work was different than any of the other programs she had participated in after the sudden death of her husband in 2015. The process and steps of the GRM were life changing and allowed her to let go of a pain that had been holding her captive for years. She now feels fortunate, as a Grief Recovery Specialist, to be able to share this program with others who are also experiencing loss and grief.

Suzanne's Story
People and their stories have always fascinated me. I am wired to teach, listen and help. I love exploring personal growth for others and myself. In many ways I embrace the archetype of the “wounded healer” appreciating the suffering of others because of my own pains and trials. Life has given me a fair share of challenges that began with my childhood. Like most wounded healers, I entered the professional field with the intent to help others and in the end discovered I was the one who needed healing. I embraced counseling, yoga and meditation and began a journey that led me to balance and greater peace.
I became a wife and mother and enjoyed those roles tremendously. I traveled and moved frequently with my military husband and after his retirement we returned to my childhood home in Ephrata where I opened the Yoga Studio. Then in 2015 I was met with my greatest challenge. My husband and soul mate of 34 years died suddenly at the age of 58. I simply did not want to live anymore. I began to question all of my beliefs and ideas and for the first time in my life understood what depression was. Since that day I have been reconstructing my life relying heavily on the tools I teach others. It has made me even more passionate to walk beside those who are struggling. Struggling to rebuild their lives, struggling to live life, to understand life or just want to get more out of life.